Why feature-u?

There are many things to consider when segregating your project code into separate features. How do you encapsulate your features while pulling them back together so they operate as one application?

This list (below) provides some considerations that formed the basis of why feature-u was developed!

I hope you enjoy this effort, and comments are always welcome.


P.S. The feature-u library was pulled from a sandbox project eatery-nod that I use to study several technologies and frameworks. It is a react-native expo mobile app.

P.P.S. If you are wondering what the "-u" stands for, it is merely a succinct suffix that distinguishes a number of my published utilities.

As promised, here is the list ...

  1. Feature Encapsulation:

    Most characteristics of a feature strive to be self-sufficient and independent. Where possible, they operate within their own isolated implementation.

    Solution: Various feature-u traits

  2. Feature Collaboration:

    Even though a feature's implementation is encapsulated, it still needs to interact with it's surroundings. There is a need for collaboration between features. This however should be accomplished through a well-defined feature-based public interface.

    Solution: Cross Feature Communication

  3. Feature Initialization:

    Any given feature should not have to rely on an external startup process to perform the initialization that it needs. Rather, the feature should be able to spawn initialization that it depends on.

    This could be any number of things, such as:

    • initialize some service API
    • inject a utility react component at the root of the App
    • dispatch an action that kicks off some startup process
    • etc.

    Solution: Application Life Cycle Hook

  4. Feature Enablement:

    You may have the need for selected features to be dynamically enabled or disabled. As an example, certain features may only be enabled with a license upgrade, or other features may only be used for diagnostic purposes.

    Solution: Feature Enablement

  5. Resource Resolution during Code Expansion:

    There are situations where resource access can be problematic. This is typically a timing issue, during in-line code expansion, where the resource is not fully defined YET. This ultimately is due to order dependencies across features.

    How can this problem be minimized?

    Solution: Managed Code Expansion

  6. Framework Integration:

    Most likely your application employs a number of different frameworks (ex: redux, redux-logic, etc.). As a result, your features are typically going to rely on these same frameworks.

    How are the resources needed by these frameworks accumulated and configured across the many features of your app?

    Solution: Extendable aspects -and- Launching Your Application

  7. UI Component Promotion:

    Features that maintain their own UI components need a way to promote them in the overall app's GUI. How is this accomplished in an autonomous way?

    Solution: Feature Based Routes (via the plugable feature-router routeAspect)

  8. Single Source of Truth:

    What are some Best Practices for "Single Source of Truth" as it relates to features, and how can feature-u help?

    Solution: see: Best Practices

  9. Simplified App Startup:

    After breaking your application into pieces (i.e. features), how do you pull it all together, and actually start your app running?

    At first glance, this may seem like a daunting task. As it turns out, however, because of the structure promoted by feature-u, it actually is a very simple process.

    Solution: Launching Your Application

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