
The basic usage pattern of feature-u is to:

  1. Organize your app into features.

    • Each feature should be located in it's own directory, typically within a features/ parent directory.

    • How you break your app up into features will take some time and thought. There are many ways to approach this from a design perspective.

    • Each feature will promote it's characteristics through a Feature object (using createFeature()).

    • A features/index.js module will accumulate and promote all of the Features that make up your entire application.

  2. Choose the Aspects that you will need, based on your selected frameworks (i.e. your run-time stack).

    • Typically these Aspects are packaged separately in NPM, although you can create your own (if needed).

    • Each Aspect will extend the properties accepted by the Feature object (for example: Feature.reducer for redux, or Feature.logic for redux-logic).

    • A best practice is to organize an aspects/ directory, mimicking the same pattern as your features/ directory.

    • An aspects/index.js module will accumulate and promote all of the aspects used by your application.

  3. Your mainline will start the app by invoking launchApp(), passing all Features and Aspects.

Easy Peasy!!

Directory Structure

Here is a sample directory structure of an app that uses feature-u:

  app.js              ... launches app using launchApp()

    index.js          ... accumulate/promote all Aspect objects (used by the app)

                      ... NOTE: the aspects/ dir can contain local Aspects, however
                                because most Aspects are pulled from external 
                                NPM packages, this directory is typically empty!

    index.js          ... accumulate/promote all Feature objects (for the entire app)

    featureA/         ... a feature (within the app)
      feature.js      ... promotes featureA object using createFeature()
      index.js        ... redirect parent dir import to the feature object

    featureB/         ... another feature

  util/               ... common utilities used across all features

Each feature is located in it's own directory, containing it's aspects (actions, reducers, components, routes, logic, etc.).

Feature Object

Each feature promotes it's aspect content through a Feature object (using createFeature()).


import {createFeature}  from 'feature-u';
import reducer          from './state';
import logic            from './logic';
import route            from './route';
import appWillStart     from './appWillStart';
import appDidStart      from './appDidStart';

export default createFeature({
  name:     'featureA',
  enabled:  true,

  fassets: {
    define: {
      'api.openA':  () => ... implementation omitted,
      'api.closeA': () => ... implementation omitted,



We will fill in more detail a bit later, but for now notice that the feature is conveying reducers, logic modules, routes, and does some type of initialization (appWillStart/appDidStart). It also promotes something called fassets (feature assets - the Public Face of a feature) with openA() and closeA() functions which will be publicly promoted to other features.

Note: Feature directory imports are redirected to the feature object reference ... for example:


// redirect parent dir import to the feature reference
export {default} from './feature';

Feature Accumulation

All Features are accumulated in a single index.js module, allowing them to be promoted through a single import.


import featureA  from './featureA';
import featureB  from './featureB';

// promote ALL app features through a single import (accumulated in an array)
export default [

Note: While this represents a complete list of all app features, some of them may be disabled (i.e. logically removed) ... see: Feature Enablement.

Aspect Accumulation

A best practice is to accumulate all Aspects in a single aspects/index.js module, allowing them to be promoted through a single import.


import React                  from 'react';
import {createReducerAspect}  from 'feature-redux';
import {createLogicAspect}    from 'feature-redux-logic';
import {createRouteAspect}    from 'feature-router';
import SplashScreen           from 'util/SplashScreen';

// define/configure the aspects representing the app's run-time stack
// ... redux - extending: Feature.reducer
const reducerAspect = createReducerAspect();
// ... redux-logic - extending: Feature.logic
const logicAspect   = createLogicAspect();
// ... Feature Routes - extending: Feature.route
const routeAspect   = createRouteAspect();
// ... CONFIG: define fallback screen (used when no routes are in effect)
routeAspect.config.fallbackElm$ = <SplashScreen msg="I'm trying to think but it hurts!"/>;

// promote the aspects representing the app's run-time stack
export default [

These Aspects (pulled from external npm packages) reflect the frameworks of the app's run-time stack (in this example redux, redux-logic, and feature-router) and extend the acceptable Feature properties (Feature.reducer, Feature.logic, and Feature.route respectively) ... see: Extendable aspects

Note: The main difference in this module (vs. features/index.js) is that it is typically pulling/configuring resources from external NPM packages, rather than locally defined within the project (although you can create your own if needed).


In feature-u the application mainline is very simple and generic. There is no real app-specific code in it ... not even any global initialization! That is because each feature can inject their own app-specific constructs!! The mainline merely accumulates the Features and Aspects, and starts the app by invoking launchApp():


import ReactDOM     from 'react-dom';
import {launchApp}  from 'feature-u';
import features     from 'features';
import aspects      from 'aspects';

// launch our app, exposing the Fassets object (facilitating cross-feature-communication)
export default launchApp({          // *4*

  features,                         // *1*
  aspects,                          // *2*

  registerRootAppElm(rootAppElm) {  // *3*

Here are some important points of interest (match the numbers to *n* in the code above):

  1. all app features are supplied (accumulated from the features/ directory) ... see: Feature Accumulation

  2. the app aspects (i.e. the run-time stack) are supplied (accumulated from the aspects/ directory) ... see: Aspect Accumulation

  3. a registerRootAppElm() callback is used to catalog the supplied rootAppElm to the specific React platform in use. Because this registration is accomplished by your app-specific code, feature-u can operate in any of the React platforms, such as: react-web, react-native, and expo ... see: React Registration

  4. as a bit of a preview, the return value of launchApp() is a Fassets object, which promotes the accumulated Public Face of all features, and is exported to provide Cross Feature Communication ... here is what the fassets looks like (in this example):

    fassets: {
      api: {

Hopefully this gives you a basic feel of how feature-u operates. The subsequent sections will develop a more thorough understanding!

Real Example

Want to see a real feature-u app?

eatery-nod-w is the application where feature-u was conceived. It is a PWA, and is one of my sandbox applications that I use to test frameworks. I like to develop apps that I can use, but have enough real-world requirements to make it interesting.

eatery-nod-w randomly selects a "date night" restaurant from a pool of favorites. My wife and I have a steady "date night", and we are always indecisive on which of our favorite restaurants to frequent :-) So eatery-nod-w provides the spinning wheel!

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