Extending feature-u

feature-u is extendable! It operates in an open plugable architecture where Extendable Aspects integrate feature-u to other frameworks, matching your specific run-time stack. This is good, because not everyone uses the same frameworks!

  • You want state management using redux? There is an Aspect for that: feature-redux.

  • You want to maintain your logic using redux-logic? There is an Aspect for that: feature-redux-logic.

  • You want your features to autonomously promote their screens within the application? There is an Aspect for that: feature-router.

  • Can't find an Aspect that integrates the XYZ framework? You can create your own using createAspect()! For extra credit, you should consider publishing your package, so other XYZ users can benefit from your work!

It is important to understand that feature-u does not alter the interface to these frameworks in any way. You use them the same way you always have. feature-u merely provides a well defined organizational layer, where the frameworks are automatically setup and configured by accumulating the necessary resources across all your features.

Locating Extensions

To locate the latest set of published feature-u extensions, simply search the npm registry using a 'feature-u' keyword. All packages that extend feature-u should include this keyword in their package.

During feature-u's initial release (3/2018), I published the three Aspects mentioned above (matching my preferred stack), so at that time there were three plugins. Assuming feature-u gains momentum, the hope is that other authors will contribute their work.

If you create your own extension and decide to publish it, don't forget to include the 'feature-u' keyword in your package, so others can easily locate your extension.

Aspect Object (extending feature-u)

To extend feature-u, you merely define and promote an Aspect object (using createAspect()).

The Aspect object promotes a series of life-cycle methods that feature-u invokes in a controlled way. This life-cycle is controlled by launchApp() ... it is supplied the Aspects, and it invokes their methods.

The essential characteristics of the Aspect life-cycle is to:

  • accumulate AspectContent across all features
  • perform the desired setup and configuration
  • expose the framework in some way (by injecting a component in the root DOM, or some Aspect Cross Communication mechanism)

For complete details, please refer to the section on Aspect Life Cycle Methods.

Defining rootAppElm

In feature-u the rootAppElm is the top-level react DOM that represents the display of the entire application.

This is a non-changing omnipresent DOM that achieves it's dynamics through a series of both framework components and application injected utilities. As an example, a typical rootAppElm may contain:

  • a navigational component providing screen dynamics (through an Aspect Framework injection)
  • a state promotional component making state available to subordinates (through an Aspect Framework injection)
  • a notification utility (through an application Feature injection)
  • a left-nav menu (through an application Feature injection)
  • etc. etc. etc.

The rootAppElm is defined through a progressive accumulation of DOM injections, using a combination of both Aspects and Features.

There are three API's involved and they all accept a curRootAppElm parameter, and return a new rootAppElm that includes the supplied element, accommodating the accumulative process.

The three API's are listed here, and are executed in this order. They include life-cycle-hooks that are defined from both Aspects and Features.

  1. Aspect.initialRootAppElm(fassets, curRootAppElm): rootAppElm
  2. Feature.appWillStart({fassets, curRootAppElm}): rootAppElm | falsy
  3. Aspect.injectRootAppElm(fassets, curRootAppElm): rootAppElm

It is important to understand that the Feature hook is sandwiched between the two Aspect hooks. Without this insight, you would most certainly wonder what the difference was between the two Aspect hooks.

A null rootAppElm seeds the entire process. The first hook is used by any Aspect that wishes to inject itself before all others ... and so on. The end result is a DOM hierarchy where the first injected element is manifest at the bottom of the hierarchy, and the last injection ends up on top.

To put this in perspective, let's analyze an example where we are using two Aspects (feature-redux, and feature-router), and an application Feature that manages a left-nav menu available throughout the application.

  1. The Aspect for feature-router (routeAspect) injects a <StateRouter> component that (by design) can have no other children. Therefore it uses the first api:

    routeAspect: Aspect.initialRootAppElm()

    function initialRootAppElm(fassets, curRootAppElm) {
      // insure we don't clobber any supplied content
      // ... by design, <StateRouter> doesn't support children
      if (curRootAppElm) {
        throw new Error('*** ERROR*** Please register routeAspect (from feature-router) before other Aspects ' +
                        'that inject content in the rootAppElm ... <StateRouter> does NOT support children.');
      // seed the rootAppElm with our StateRouter
      return <StateRouter routes={this.routes}
  2. The leftNav application feature, injects it's Drawer/SideBar component through the second API (the only one available to Features):

    leftNav: Feature.appWillStart()

    function appWillStart({fassets, curRootAppElm}) {
      return (
        <Drawer ref={ ref => registerDrawer(ref) }
  3. The Aspect for feature-redux (reducerAspect) injects the redux <Provider> component that must encompass all other components (i.e. be on top). Therefore it uses the third API:

    reducerAspect: Aspect.injectRootAppElm()

    function injectRootAppElm(fassets, curRootAppElm) {
      return (
        <Provider store={this.appStore}>
  4. Last but not least, feature-u renders <FassetsContext.Provider> at the root of the application DOM (in support of Cross Feature Communication and the withFassets() HoC).

    This is conditionally performed only when a rootAppElm has been defined. Otherwise, the App is responsible for this in the registerRootAppElm() hook.

    if (rootAppElm) {
      rootAppElm = <FassetsContext.Provider value={fassets}>{rootAppElm}</FassetsContext.Provider>;

The end result of this example generates the following DOM:

<FassetsContext.Provider value={fassets}>
  <Provider store={this.appStore}>
    <Drawer ref={ ref => registerDrawer(ref) }
      <StateRouter routes={this.routes}

Aspect Cross Communication

Some Aspects will rely on an Aspect Cross Communication mechanism to accomplish their work (not to be confused with Cross Feature Communication).

Aspect Cross Communication is where an Aspect requires additional information (over and above it's AspectContent) either from other Aspects or Features. Therefore the extending Aspect must define (and use) additional Aspect/Feature APIs.

As an example of this, consider the feature-redux plugin. Because it manages redux, it also maintains the redux middleware. As a result, it must provide a way for other Aspects to inject their middleware. It accomplishes this by exposing a new Aspect API: Aspect.getReduxMiddleware().

  • An extending Aspect that introduces a new API should do the following:

    1. Document the API, so the external client knows how to use it.

    2. Register the API, allowing it to pass feature-u validation. Depending on whether this is an API for a Aspect or Feature, use one of the following:

      This registration allows the new API (i.e. the name parameter) to be referenced in either createAspect() or createFeature() respectively.

      This registration should occur in the Aspect.genesis() life cycle method (i.e. very early) to guarantee the new API is available during feature-u validation.

      SideBar: feature-u keeps track of the agent that owns each extension through the owner parameter. Use any string that uniquely identifies your utility (such as the aspect's npm package name). This prevents exceptions when duplicate extension requests are made by the same owner. This can happen when multiple instances of an aspect type are supported, and also in unit testing.

    3. Utilize the API in one of the Aspect Life Cycle Methods to gather the additional information (from other Aspects or Features).

  • Example:

    As a concrete example of this, let's look at some code snippets from the aforementioned feature-redux plugin:

    1. Here is how the new API is documented:


    2. Here is the new API registration:


       * Register feature-redux proprietary Aspect APIs (required to pass
       * feature-u validation).
       * This must occur early in the life-cycle (i.e. this method) to
       * guarantee the new API is available during feature-u validation.
      function genesis() {
        extendAspectProperty('getReduxStore', 'feature-redux');      // Aspect.getReduxStore(): store
        extendAspectProperty('getReduxMiddleware', 'feature-redux'); // Aspect.getReduxMiddleware(): reduxMiddleware
    3. Here is the new API usage:


       * Expose our redux middleware that activates redux-logic.  
       * This method is consumed by the feature-redux Aspect using an
       * "aspect cross-communication".
       * @private
      function getReduxMiddleware() {
        return this.logicMiddleware;

Aspect Life Cycle Methods

The following list represents a complete compilation of all Aspect Life Cycle Methods. Simply follow the link for a thorough discussion of each:

Notes of Interest ...

  • Execution Order:

    The order in which these methods are presented (above) represent the same order they are executed.

  • Aspect State Retention:

    It is common for an Aspect to use more than one of these life cycle methods to do it's work. When this happens, typically there is a need for state retention (in order to pick up in one step where it left off in another).

    As an example, an Aspect may:

    1. use Aspect.assembleFeatureContent() to assemble it's content across all features ... retaining the content

    2. and then use Aspect.injectRootAppElm() to promote the content assembled in the prior step

    This state retention can be implemented in a number of different ways, depending on your philosophy and run-time environment. For example, you could use the module context of an ES6 environment, or alternatively the Aspect object instance itself.

    The latter is available (should you choose to use it) because these hooks are in fact methods of the Aspect object. In other words, this is bound to the Aspect object instance. As a result, you are free to use this for your state retention.

  • fassets Parameter:

    You will notice that the fassets parameter is supplied on many of these life cycle methods. As you know the Fassets object is used in promoting Cross Feature Communication.

    While it is most likely an anti-pattern to directly interrogate the Fassets object within the Aspect, it is frequently required to "pass through" to downstream processes (as an opaque object). This is the reason the fassets object is supplied!!

    As examples of this:


The Aspect.name is used to "key" AspectContent of this type in the Feature object.

For example: an Aspect.name: 'xyz' would permit a Feature.xyz: xyzContent construct.

As a result, Aspect names cannot clash with built-in aspects, and they must be unique (across all aspects that are in-use).

Best Practice ...

It is a good practice to allow your Aspect name to be re-configured at run-time because they must be unique, and externally published Aspects cannot know the Aspect mix that is in-use. This can be accomplished through a defensive Aspect implementation that references feature properties by indexing the Aspect.name rather than hard coding it.

As an example, the following code snippet assumes a context of an xyz Aspect method ...


  const feature = ...;

  ... feature.xyz

  ... feature[this.name]

This allows your clientele to reset the Aspect.name as follows:

client code initialization:

  xyzAspect.name = 'xyzFoo';


API: genesis(): string

genesis() is an optional Life Cycle Hook invoked one time, at the very beginning of the app's start up process.

This hook can perform Aspect related initialization and validation:

  • initialization: this is where where proprietary Aspect/Feature APIs should be registered (if any) - via extendAspectProperty() and extendFeatureProperty() (please see: Aspect Cross Communication).

  • validation: this is where an aspect can verify it's own required configuration (if any). Some aspects require certain settings (set by the application) in self for them to operate.

RETURN: an error message string when self is in an invalid state (falsy when valid). Because this validation occurs under the control of launchApp(), any message is prefixed with: 'launchApp() parameter violation: '.


API: validateFeatureContent(feature): string

validateFeatureContent() is a validation hook allowing this aspect to verify it's content on the supplied feature (which is known to contain this aspect).

RETURN: an error message string when the supplied feature contains invalid content for this aspect (falsy when valid). Because this validation conceptually occurs under the control of createFeature(), any message is prefixed with: 'createFeature() parameter violation: '.


API: expandFeatureContent(fassets, feature): string

expandFeatureContent() is an optional aspect expansion hook, defaulting to the algorithm defined by expandWithFassets().

This method (when used) should expand self's AspectContent in the supplied feature (which is known to contain this aspect and is in need of expansion), replacing that content (within the feature).

Once expansion is complete, feature-u will perform a delayed validation of the expanded content.

The default behavior simply implements the expansion algorithm defined by expandWithFassets():

feature[this.name] = feature[this.name](fassets);

This default behavior rarely needs to change. It however provides a hook for aspects that need to transfer additional content from the expansion function to the expanded content. As an example, the reducer aspect must transfer the slice property from the expansion function to the expanded reducer.

RETURN: an optional error message string when the supplied feature contains invalid content for this aspect (falsy when valid). This is a specialized validation of the expansion function, over-and-above what is checked in the standard validateFeatureContent() hook.


API: assembleFeatureContent(fassets, activeFeatures): void

assembleFeatureContent() assembles content for this aspect across all features, retaining needed state for subsequent ops. This method is required because this is the primary task that is accomplished by all aspects.


API: assembleAspectResources(fassets, aspects): void

assembleAspectResources() is an optional hook that assembles resources for this aspect across all other aspects, retaining needed state for subsequent ops. This hook is executed after all the aspects have assembled their feature content (i.e. after assembleFeatureContent()).

This is an optional second-pass (so-to-speak) of Aspect data gathering, that facilitates Aspect Cross Communication. It allows an extending aspect to gather resources from other aspects, using an additional API (ex: Aspect.getXyz()).

As an example of this, consider feature-redux. Because it manages redux, it must promote a technique by which other Aspects can register their redux middleware. This is accomplished through the proprietary method: Aspect.getReduxMiddleware(): middleware.


API: initialRootAppElm(fassets, curRootAppElm): rootAppElm

initialRootAppElm() is an optional callback hook that promotes some characteristic of this aspect within the rootAppElm ... the top-level react DOM that represents the display of the entire application.

The Defining rootAppElm section highlights when to use initialRootAppElm() verses injectRootAppElm().

NOTE: When this hook is used, the supplied curRootAppElm MUST be included as part of this definition!

RETURN: a new react app element root (which in turn must contain the supplied curRootAppElm), or simply the supplied curRootAppElm (if no change).


API: injectRootAppElm(fassets, curRootAppElm): rootAppElm

injectRootAppElm() is an optional callback hook that promotes some characteristic of this aspect within the rootAppElm ... the top-level react DOM that represents the display of the entire application.

The Defining rootAppElm section highlights when to use initialRootAppElm() verses injectRootAppElm().

NOTE: When this hook is used, the supplied curRootAppElm MUST be included as part of this definition!

RETURN: a new react app element root (which in turn must contain the supplied curRootAppElm), or simply the supplied curRootAppElm (if no change).


The Aspect.config is a sub-object that can optionally be used for any type of configuration that a specific Aspect may need. Configurations (if any) should be documented by the specific Aspect, and if required, should be validated in the Aspect.genesis() hook.

The config sub-object is "open" in the sense that any content is allowed. In other words there is no need to pre-register acceptable properties on the config sub-object (as there is in direct properties of the Aspect object ... i.e. extendAspectProperty()).

In addition to configuration, it is common for Aspects to use the config sub-object for hidden diagnostic purposes (hidden in the sense that they are not documented). These settings are employed when researching an issue, and typically alter behavior in some way or glean additional information. As such they would only be communicated to users on a case-by-case basis.


Aspects may contain additional "proprietary" methods in support of Aspect Cross Communication ... a contract between one or more aspects. This is merely an API specified by one Aspect, and used by another Aspect, facilitated through the assembleAspectResources(fassets, aspects): void hook.

As an example of this, consider feature-redux. Because it manages redux, it must promote a technique by which other Aspects can register their redux middleware. This is accomplished through the proprietary method: Aspect.getReduxMiddleware(): middleware.

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